Saturday, 30 November 2019


According to latest reports, Minecraft creator Mojang has released a new Minecraft Update 1. World gets into mode of Spring Festival celebration. Like Us on Facebook. The bug that caused the third person view to revert to first person view if head goes inside a block has been fixed. Meanwhile, according to an International Business Times report, 0. There are also some loot changes. According to all the bug fixes that the Minecraft snapshot 15w46a comes with, the next big update for this awesome game is around the corner, it seems that the developers of Minecraft have focused more on fixing bugs and this is the reason why the bug fix is so long on the 15w46a snapshot. 15w46a

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The main reason why everyone is so excited about this new build is that once the developers release a Minecraft snapshot with so many bug fixes, usually it takes a few days before the update is released to the general public. You can find the full list of bug fixes of Minecraft Update 1. At present, there is no information regarding the release date of Minecraft update 1.

There are also some loot changes. In Case You Missed It.

The update has fixed the bug that caused the breaking doors to move the other part of the door occasionally. Trade Route Across Asia to Europe: The bug that caused the third person view to revert to first person view if head goes inside a block has been fixed. IPv6 now works properly, bugs on the breaking doors and powered rails are also fixed.


Rumors are also doing the rounds that the next huge update may come out soon enough. The bug that enabled doors to 1w546a no placement sound has been fixed. You can see the complete list of bug fixes that the Minecraft Update 1. News China calls for U. Reports also suggest that mobs will not spawn on rails, the Sprinting no longer stops after sometime and changes of redstone dust hitbox 15w46aa been made. You may also like.

This week Mojang has released a new Minecraft Update 1.

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Meanwhile, according to an International Business Times report, 0. According to all the bug fixes that the Minecraft snapshot 15w46a comes with, the next big update for this awesome game is around the corner, it seems that the developers of Minecraft have focused more on fixing bugs and this is the reason why the bug fix is so long on the 15w46a snapshot.

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According to latest reports, Minecraft creator Mojang has released a new Minecraft Update 1. Username or Email Address.

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Do not reproduce without permission. World gets into mode of Spring Festival celebration.

Like Us on Facebook. In addition, Minecraft Update 1. News Windows Store Vs. The new update focused mainly on fixing the bugs that are being continuously experienced by the players.

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Mala Srivastava Nov 18, The new update has also fixed the bug that caused guardians to spawn in random places. The bug that caused boats to appear to be sunken in water has been fixed by the developers. Sunday, 29th, Neurogadget recommends Logitech's Gaming Mouse for both its quality and 15w466a functionality.

The update comes in beta form. Leave a Reply Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment. Want to enhance your gaming experience?

Redstone Blocks are notable new features.

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