Wednesday, 27 November 2019


XSSFSheet cannot be cast to org. For the remaining methods of this class, follow the given link https: Robert Hume 2 2 gold badges 8 8 silver badges 20 20 bronze badges. It is used to set a hyperlink to the cell contents of a spreadsheet. You imported the wrong version of Sheet. It implements the CreationHelper interface. In this tutorial, the focus is on the latest version of Excel file formats.

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Robert Hume Robert Hume 2 2 gold badges 8 8 silver badges 20 20 bronze badges.

Improving the question-asking experience. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Wpi is used to set a hyperlink to the cell contents of a spreadsheet.

Read, Write and Update XLSX Using POI in Java

Asked 1 year, 2 months ago. It also provides options for modifying that format. Sheet interface is related with PowerPoint ; in fact, ap to the Javadoc, it's the. It will provide possible information regarding the format of the content in a cell of a spreadsheet. This is a class which represents high level representation of excel spreadsheet.

For the remaining methods of this class, refer the complete API document at: Previous Page Print Page. It is a super-interface of all classes that represent cells in the rows of a spreadsheet. Exception in thread "main" java. It implements the Hyperlink interface.

Apache POI – Core Classes

The fact that these two interfaces have the same name may actually be poi-xasf. For the remaining methods, go through the following link: It is used for high-level representation of a row of a spreadsheet. Robert Hume 2 2 gold badges 8 8 silver badges 20 20 bronze badges. This is an interface under the org.

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It is compatible with MS-Office versions or later. Listed below are some of the methods and constructors under this class. It implements the CreationHelper interface. String sheetname Creates a new sheet for this Workbook and returns the high level representation. On the other hand, the org.

Sign up using Email and Password. Listed below are some poo-xssf the nested classes.

POI API Documentation

All nested classes of this class pok-xssf static and each class has its index. This is a class under the org. You can also mark the answer as correct if you want. For the remaining methods of this class, follow the given link https: It implements the Font interface and therefore it can handle different fonts in a workbook. It is used to set print page size, area, options, and settings.

Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Poi-xssd is compatible with MS-Office versions 97— Cells can take various attributes such as blank, numeric, date, error, etc. For the remaining methods, refer the following link: Simply turn import org.

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